Image of Hankelow Crest
Image of Sparrrowhawk

Hankelow Online Noticeboard

Information about the South Cheshire village of Hankelow

Hankelow Autumn Supper and Quiz

Hankelow Amenities Group

Come and join us at

The White Lion, Hankelow


Hankelow Autumn Supper

and Fun Quiz

Wednesday 6th November at 7p.m.

A choice of:
Meat and potato pie, chips and garden peas
Meat lasagne, garlic bread and salad
Vegetable lasagne, garlic bread and salad

Followed by:

Sticky Toffee Pudding and ice cream

The White Lion has very generously offered to
subsidise the meal by £5, so the price will be only

£12 per person

Please place your order and book your place with the
White Lion

contact details:-
or phone 01270 432606.

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