Image of Hankelow Crest
Image of Sparrrowhawk

Hankelow Online Noticeboard

Information about the South Cheshire village of Hankelow

Please note that the webmaster retains the right to accept or reject any request for an entry on these pages.

'At Hankelow' meetings

This item was submitted by David Thelwell

At Hankelow A4 flyer June 2024

'At Hankelow' is a non-denominational fellowship of Christians who continue to meet at Hankelow Methodist Church and Community Rooms on a regular basis, on the first Friday of each month, except for August. The format of the meetings comprise of singing and fellowship, with an special invited speaker each month.

On Friday 7th June at 7:00 p.m. we have an evening of praise and fellowship with Elliott and Nichola Richardson as our invited speakers. All are welcome to join us.

For more details click the image on the left, email or go to

This item was submitted by Roger Millns

Please note this is now a year-round activity.

Partnership with Hankelow and Hatherton & Walgherton Parish Councils and ADCA

Warm Spaces Hub

at Hankelow Methodist Community Hall

For Hankelow and Hatherton and Walgherton Residents
Every Friday until the end of April (even if it's warm).
For all ages including children accompanied by parents/guardians

Coffee cup   Cake picture

A place where you are welcome to come, keep warm,
have company and hot drinks and some cake.

All without charge [Any donations given will help fund this warm place]

Also, every Wednesday between 11:30am and 2pm, ADCA [Audlem & District Community Action]
run a coffee/lunch club in the Community Hall where you can also drop in for a warm welcome,
coffee or you can have for hot lunch for a small charge if you choose – or just stay to keep warm
with some company

Older items from this section can be found here