THOSE PRESENT:- The Chairman, Cllrs. Foster, Hulme, Mounteney and Williams. Apologies were received from Borough Councillor, Rachel Bailey. Also present were six parishioners.
The Minutes of the meeting held on lst November, 2010 were read and accepted. Proposed by Cllr. John Williams seconded by Cllr. Gin Foster.
The Chairman invited the Chairman of Hankelow Improvement Plan Committee, Mr Tony Lee, to report on the progess of the Improvement Plan.
Mr. Lee reported that a questionnaire had been delivered to every house in the village and that there had been a 60% return of questionnaires. The processing of information from the 130 questionnares had started but had yet to be completed. Mr. Lee thanked all those who were not on the H.I.P. Committee who had helped with the distribution and collection of the questionnaires. Cheshire East Council had congratulated the H.I.P. Committee on their progress, which had been well received.
The bid for funding had to be submitted by the H.I.P. Committee to Cheshire East Council's March Meeting. Before the March meeting it would be necessary for the Parish Council to confirm in writing the agreement to provide £300. to assist the development of the plan as set out in the original Parish Plan Starter Grant Application Form, to sign the Terms and Conditions of Funding Agreement and the final Grant Application Form. The Grant would be for a figure of £2,000. to £2,500. to cover the cost of the printing of the plan and meetings.
Three meetings were planned between Spring of this year and the publishing date of February, 2012. A meeting is planned in the Spring at Brookfield Golf Club to show what the questionnares have produced. The final plan will include a section on what Hankelow is like, its history and how the village works.
Councillors confirmed that there was support for the production of a Parish Plan in the village and therefore the Parish Council would agree to give the H.I.P. Committee a Grant of £300. towards the cost of production.
It was agreed that the Chairman of the Parish Council, Geoff Cope, should be the person authorized to sign Parish Plan documents on behalf of the Parish Council. Proposed Cllr. Hulme, seconded Cllr. Mounteney.
There were no reports on Local Area Partnerships.
The Parish Council had entered the Competitions for the past three years and had won awards in the Community Spirit Competition.
Val Morrey reported that the Amenities Group thought it wise to have a year out. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not enter the Competitions this year. Proposed Cllr. Mounteney seconded Cllr. Foster.
The Chairman had attended a Police Cluster Meeting and had reported that the phone box in the village had been vandalised again. The Clerk had received a telephone call from the Police informing the Council that the matter had been reported and that B.T. had no plans to remove the Phone Box at present.
The Clerk was instructed to write to B.T. to enquire whether the Phone Box could be removed, should residents wish it, as it is very rarely used and is a target for vandalism in the village.
Cllr. Foster had attended a meeting of the Burial Board. This included the election of Officers. The Chairman is now Richard Furber.
The annual review of burial charges took place. In spite of the fact that burials in Audlem Cemetery are much cheaper than in Crewe Municipal Cemetery, it was decided that charges for the local area would remain unchanged.
Cllr. Foster had been asked by a parishioner for a justification of the fee of £60. for the removal of a headstone for engraving The response is that the cemetery needs income to keep the place as it is. The removal of a headstone for engraving disturbs the ground which then has to be made good by the employees of the burial board.
The Clerk had received information concerning the Localism Bill and supplied Councillors with a Newsletter she had received on the subject. It was agreed to pass this information to Mr. Tony Lee, Chairman of H.I.P. Committee.
The Clerk reported a balance of £4,669.55
Details | Amount |
Total | £420.72 |
Clerk's fees and expenses | £185.72 |
Food Store - duck food | £35.00 |
Chapel school room - hire fees | £200.00 |
The Chairman had made enquiries concerning residents wishes for an additional Notice Board in the village, but he had received little response.
Val Morrey, Chair of Hankelow Amenities Group, asked whether the Parish Council would be prepared to have the Community Pride Certificates framed. As had previously been reported, the Council had received a cheque for £75. 2nd Prize in the Community Spirit Competition.
It was agreed that the Council should arrange for the Certificates to be framed. Proposed Cllr. Hulme seconded Cllr. Williams.
Val Morrey was asked to report on Hankelow Amenities Group's Events in the village. Val Morrey said that although it was quiet in the village at the moment, plans were well under way for the Village Fete in the Summer.
The Chairman reported that as far as he is aware the grass on the green will continue to be mown by Contractors employed by Cheshire East Council. As soon as the Parish Council is aware of any plans to the contrary it was agreed that the Council should make other arrangements for grass cutting.
Cllr. Mounteney had been in correspondence with Claire Wilson (Chair of the Local Area Partnership Committee) concerning the speed limit.
Claire Wilson had confirmed via email that she too had had conversations with Malcolm Mcquaid of the Highways Department and he had confirmed that it is not just a case of securing signage to an area, there are other formalities that have to be put into place before this can be looked at (these include monitoring road traffic and its impact on other areas, looking at other alternative solutions and not just about signage), these are the costs that have been alluded to for which there is no budget.
However, in terms of the LAP Highways sub group, Hankelow's speed restriction is included on the ward list as a priority in the first instance.
A speed management policy for 20mph zones has been requested by the group as the LAP feels that this is an urgent priority within the rural areas. John Nicholson (Director of Places Directorate) has taken comments on board.
There is to be a meeting on the subject at Reaseheath on 23rd February and Cllr. Mounteney would be willing to attend the meeting. It was agreed that Cllr Mounteney should attend. Proposed the Chairman, seconded Cllr. Foster.
Cllr. Mounteney added that there is speed monitoring enquipment installed by local authorities in the village at the moment.
It was reported that there were a number of deep pot holes in the road in Hall Lane. The Clerk was instructed to report the matter.
The Clerk reported that she had not yet received any communication concerning the Parish Council Elections which are to be held in May this year.
The Clerk was instructed to contact CH.A.L.C. to make enquiries concerning the Freedom of Information Act and the publication of the Parish Council's Minutes.
The Chairman reported that a For Rent sign had been placed on the village green for some time and now that the property had been let.
the Clerk was instructed to contact the Agent to request that the sign be removed.
Cllr. Hulme asked whether Planning Permission was required for the erection of signs on the village green.
The Clerk was instructed to contact CH.A.L.C. For information concerning advertising signs.
Cllr. Foster stated that should land and buildings at Hankelow Manor in Hall Lane be sold, the new owners should be informed that a Public Footpath passes through the land.
It was reported that there are four posts on the footpath by Corbrook Court, which originally held signs for building work, which are now very unsightly.
The Clerk was instructed to write to Morris Care requesting the removal of the 4 posts.
It was reported that the footpath between the village and Corbrook Court is very badly overgrown and subsiding badly in places. Ian Jones offered to take photographs of the footpath.
The Clerk was instructed to send the photographs and a report to the Highways Department.
It was reported that there is a damaged road sign opposite Acre Cottage on the main road. As this is a road junction sign, this is a safety issue.
The Clerk was instructed to report the matter to the Highways Authority.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting with the date of the Annual General Meeting set for Monday 9th May 2011